Join our next RTP 'Radiant Transformation Program' starting in person & online March 1st 2021. You will join a group of like minded people and former British Army Captain turned Mindset Coach Faye Livesey for this 7 week human ascension program.
*In person Space limited
Program also available
Virtually Via Zoom
Faye Livesey is a British born mindfulness author, certified meditation teacher & mindset coach. She left the London corporate rat race in 2015 & moved (alone) to the beach in LA because she felt like it. Six years on she lives a block from the beach with her husband and young son. Happiness is Faye's top priority in life.

Everyone is a 'Mindset Coach' these days;
but are they really?
Faye is not only certified in the field, she has lived it. She is a former British Army Captain who trained in leadership & management at The Royal Military Academy Sandhurst & served 8 years in command of men & women globally.

Having seen, first hand, in the most arduous of circumstances the power of the human mind; Faye believes the key to genuine life success lays in Mindset Mastery.
She coaches individuals in how to 'Align your Mind' to the life you want. She offers empowerment & tools for transformation with her 'RT Program'.

As a mother Faye
understands that
practical leadership skills can be learned young &
balanced emotional
intelligence is at the heart of developing our little leaders of the future. She has 4 published children's mindfulness books with accompanying classes right here 'On Demand' at Little Lessons of Light.